Thursday, 17 January 2008

MacBook Air - the world's thinnest notebook!

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Watch this video about the MacBook Air

Things are getting interesting as Apple continues to manufacture new products. The new MacBook Air is so thin approx: 1.94cm. I really cannot imagine bringing a laptop around that is ultra thin and light. It's just so cool. Really want to take a look at the real thing some time in the future.

[Funny video] Choco Party GOOD GOOD!

[Funny Video] - Men willing to do breasts checks for you

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Real diet - so funny

Look at this:
You know to loose weight in just secs?

Funny video on - Pig

It really works!! LOL

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Prison Break is back!!

After the strike, Prison Break is back again.

I really cannot wait any longer. I will be updating the newest episodes ASAP with English subtitles as I find it a lot better for people not having English as the mother tongue. Not only you can polish your listening skills and all sort of thing, but you can actually grasp the full picture more accurately

Click here for Prison Break Seaon 3 newest episodes!!

Saturday, 5 January 2008

WidgetBucks Offering CPM Ads for International Traffic

WidgetBucks Offering CPM Ads for International Traffic!! Very good news for bloggers in Asia! WidgetBucks will be serving CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions) ads within its widgets so publishers can monetize their international traffic. The system will auto-sensed the location of visitor and pay you according CPC or CPM (wil lonly have CPM earnings for visitors not in US/Canada).

WidgetBucks is a reputable ad network. More and more websites are choosing WidgetBucks. You can even put it on your blog like mine. The sign-up process is easy and you can use it with google adsense.
If you sign-up today, you will get an instant $25 in your account.

So why not give it a try if adsense is not giving you a lot earnings?

Click HERE to join now!!

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Thursday, 3 January 2008

Pay-Ads--$3.5/CPM (very good CPM ads for blogs)

Many students will need consolidate student loans for their studies.

Members from all countries are welcome.

Can work with Ad Sense - earn from both plans at the same time

Do not need any clicks to earn - earn $3.5 for 1000 impressions to your site

No minimum payout.

Automatic payout, no need payment request or withdraw.

Payouts Will Be Made Monthly on 5th ,10th,15th,20th,25th and 30th via e-gold or paypal.

1 level referral: 8% do not need loans!

Join here>>>

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