Easy Way to Bring Unlimited Traffic to Your Site
1. Go to http://www.iimmgg.com/
2.Create account
3.Confirm account by clicking on the confirmation URL on the e-mail account you provided.
4. Log in to your account, sometime after you confirm the account you just created it will automatically log you in.
5.Click on the tab called "CUSTOMIZE"
6.On the subdomain type in the name of your website.
7.Go to linkbucks.com (your account) and copy your entire website url and make it into a payable link, you can make it into an "intermission" , "Pop-up" or "top banner"
8.Copy the new payable link you just created and paste it where it says Header's Link.
9.If you noticed there is a section that says "Header's Image" there you can upload a banner 900 x 100, this is just if you want, i prefer text instead but if you are creative you can create a good banner and call people's attention so they can click on it and they will be redirected to your site.
10.After you have pasted the LB payable link on the "header's link" you will see there is a bunch of stuff such as backgroud color, Content links and text color, etc. you can customize it if you want.
11.After you have customize it go to the bottom of the page and click "apply" By doing this you will be saving the current setting you just updated.
12.Go to "edit my account" tab
13.Fill in the following, Password: (type in your new password), Repeat Password: (type your new password again), Name: (type in your username or any name you would like, it does not really matter)
14.Select the Following under preferences:
When uploading pictures:
Tag pictures as Safe For Work? No
Thumbnails type: Squared (crop area that doesn't fit)
When displaying pictures:
Display "Previous" and "Next" links? No
Display "More images from this gallery" box? No
Display link for this picture? No
Display "view gallery" link? No
Display "download this picture" link? No
Display "download gallery" link? No
When displaying galleries:
Display "download gallery" link? No
When displaying picture's links:
Thumbs size: 160 x 160 pixels
Images display order: Ascending Descending
Add a line-break every: 10 pictures
Add a space between each picture: Yes
Add target="_blank" to HTML Links: Yes
15.Do not worry about stats Code section:
16. Click on update account
17. Go to the "Upload Images" tab
18.Select images you want to upload
19.On option #2 Click where it says "Display Advance Options"
20.On Max width / Height, do not do nothing there, leave it alone.
21.On "text tag Line" you are going to paste your Website URL (Do not paste a LB converted payable links, the real Website URL must be pasted on that section)
22.On "Tag Line Position" you will be various options the best of any picture for me is the Bottom Left section, choose whichever you want there is where your website url will be tagged.
23.On Gallery Title just leave it alone.
24. "New Gallery" type the name of the gallery you are about to upload.
25.On "Thumbnail Style" select "Squared (crop area that doesn't fit)"
26.On Safe for work section, here you need to be really careful if you are uploading "Adult" pictures you "MUST" select "NO", but if you are uploading "non-adult" Pictures select "YES"
27. Click on "Start Upload"
28. All your pictures will upload very fast.
29.After all the pictures get uploaded go to "Galleries" tab, and click on the name of your gallery you just uploaded, where you can the the name of your gallery you will see where it also says "View Gallery" click on it and it will take you to your gallery, scroll all the way down and click on "Posts this pictures on your blog or forum: get links for those pictures" there you will be able to see the BB-Codes, and HTML codes, even the URL for the whole gallery. Links (type 1) for Forums or BB:are the ones that work the best for most forums. Now you can convert those BB-codes and HTML codes and convert them into Linkbucks links and paste them on your forums, you will not get money by uploading images on the site but it is a good way to bring traffic to your site.
30. Click on any of the images on that gallery, if you uploaded a banner you will see that it appears there, if you are creative and you uploaded a good banner people will click on it and will be sent to your website, forum, or blog url. But if you do not uploaded a banner and left just the text you will be able to see the text only, the text is click able as well and will work the same as the banner.
I hope this site and my tutorial can help you, bring more people to your website. You need to be creative here folks.
Here is a sample of what i am talking about:
Click on this link: http://las-chicas-bonitas.iimmgg.com...1fbeff36a26e1/
On the top you will see the banner I created, click on it and it will take you to my site.
Click on any images and you will see my Website URL on the bottom of my pictures.